Sunday, 15 September 2013

Physical Theatre

Physical theatre is used to describe any mode of performance that pursues storytelling or drama through primarily and secondarily physical and mental means.
Taken from

Initially when I think about the term 'Physical theatre' I would associate it with using actors/actresses bodies to present scenery such as a bar or even objects and vehicles for example a tank. However Physical theatre expands much further than this and can be used to tell stories without using words as the actors connect with the audience; this creates empathy for the actors but also keeps the audience intrigued. Another advantage of not using words is that the audience can interpret the piece however they want too giving endless possibilities to a piece. 

Physical theatre can also include speech and can be used well to create a very comical or serial piece. I also like this idea because it moves away from naturalism, which is the style that I'm used to performing in, so it is a chance for me to develop new skills.

However I think it would be hard to devise a Physical theatre piece that does this to a good standard and so I hope either I'm wrong or that we are given a piece to perform.

When using physical theatre I would like to experiment with music and dance as the three all link in with each other and can bring out the best in a performance if used correctly.

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