Thursday, 19 September 2013

16/09/13, Pina Bausch and the exhaustion technique

On Monday I quite enjoyed using the exhaustion technique. I felt motivated and part of a team; we were all suffering together and if one of us was held back, the others would be jumping to make up the effort. At one point me and Liam were the last running against each other in a test of stamina, I didn't feel like I was against him but I felt more encouraged that he was there because like before, we were running and suffering together. However at the end I did write in my log book that my head felt like it was going through combustion.

I felt the exhaustion technique worked to an extent; yes we genuinely were, and therefore looked, tired, I don't see how that would work in a performance, or atleast not in one I'd enjoy being part of. I tried to watch the film "Pina" where it is used effectively however I got bored quickly and as an actor, this technique doesn't interest me.

Pina Bausch

"I am no one's pupil"
Pina Bausch was a German performer of modern dance, choreographer, dance teacher and ballet director. With her unique style, a blend of movement, sound, and prominent stage sets, and with her elaborate cooperation with performers during the composition of a piece, she became a leading influence in the world of modern dance from the 1970s on and was the developer/inspiration of the 'Exhaustion technique'.

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